Before the birth of Tea Mountain and Portsmouth Tea, our founder, Alexis, charted a unique course through the skies producing magazines and newspapers at airshows and airline events. His career was more than just a job; it was a gateway to the world, fuelling his deep-rooted passion for travel and exploration. This love for discovering new horizons eventually steered Alexis towards a different journey – one steeped in the rich, aromatic world of handcrafted tea blends.

At Portsmouth Tea, we believe every tea and every blend is a voyage – a journey of flavours, aromas and memories. Alexis’ experience in aviation has infused our brand with a sense of adventure and precision. Just like a well-designed magazine, every step in crafting our tea blends is meticulously executed, from sourcing the finest leaves to perfecting the blend.

Both aviation and tea cultivation require an understanding of complex systems, a dedication to safety and quality, and, most importantly, a desire to connect with people and places. 

As we prepare for our upcoming trip to Nepal, Alexis is thrilled to blend his two worlds – travel and tea. This journey to the heart of the Himalayas is not just a business excursion; it’s a personal pilgrimage back to the roots of tea cultivation, a chance to meet fellow enthusiasts, and an opportunity to share the rich culture with our community.


Nepal – A Hidden Treasure in Tea Cultivation

Tucked in the Himalayas, Nepal, often overlooked due to its proximity to Darjeeling, is a star in the tea world.

Nepal’s tea industry, though young, excels in quality and diversity, thanks to its ideal high-altitude conditions. These environments yield teas with unique characteristics – brisk, aromatic, and complex. From the floral oolongs to the rich black teas, each variety reflects Nepal’s potential to produce world-class teas.

These teas are not just drinks but stories of the land and people behind them. Nepali tea gardens, often small and family-run, merge tradition with innovation, leading to teas that are both classic and novel.

We invite you to join us in discovering the captivating world of Nepali teas. These handcrafted blends, whether for a tea connoisseur or a newcomer, promise to enchant and reveal a hidden world of tea excellence.


The Art of Nepali Handcrafted Tea Blends – Cultivation

The journey of crafting tea blends in Nepal is an art form, deeply rooted in tradition and perfected with care. As we prepare for our trip to this beautiful tea-producing nation, we at Portsmouth Tea are excited to head into the heart of Nepali tea cultivation, a process that exemplifies the dedication and precision necessary to produce some of the world’s finest teas.

In Nepal, tea cultivation is more than just a commercial enterprise; it is a labour of love. Each tea leaf is handpicked with meticulous care, ensuring only the best quality makes its way to your cup. This selective process is crucial in maintaining the high standards of Nepali teas. The tea pickers, often women from local communities, are skilled artisans in their own right. They possess an intimate knowledge of the tea plants, understanding the perfect moment to pluck each leaf to capture its peak flavour.

During our visit, we will witness the comprehensive journey of tea leaves, from their tender beginnings on the lush green slopes to their transformation into the fine teas we cherish. The process of withering, oxidising, rolling and drying is a delicate dance, each step carefully choreographed to ensure the tea’s inherent qualities are preserved and enhanced.

This expedition will also allow us to experience the human touch in tea cultivation. In Nepal, tea making is a communal activity, involving not just the tea growers but entire communities. This collective effort adds a unique depth and soul to the tea, which cannot be replicated by machines or in mass production.

Our exploration of Nepali tea cultivation will also highlight how these practices are sustainable and in harmony with nature. The respect for the environment is evident in the organic and eco-friendly methods employed by many Nepali plantations. This sustainable approach not only ensures the health of the tea bushes but also preserves the pristine beauty of Nepal’s landscapes.

By joining us on this journey, you’ll gain a profound appreciation for the intricate process behind our handcrafted blends. It’s an opportunity to connect with the essence of tea making, where every leaf tells a story of tradition, care, and community.

handcrafted tea blends

Nepal’s Unique Travel Aspects

Our journey to Nepal, in pursuit of exceptional handcrafted blends, begins with an exhilarating flight to the renowned Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu. As we touch down in this vibrant city nestled within the breathtaking Himalayas, we are welcomed by the rich tapestry of Nepalese culture, setting the tone for our adventurous tea exploration journey.

Once in Nepal, we are greeted by an array of cultural treasures, one of which is the traditional yak milk tea. This distinctive beverage, a blend of brewed tea, rich yak milk, and a hint of salt, represents the unique flavours of the region. It’s a taste that’s not just different but symbolic of the Nepalese way of life – hearty and robust.

As we traverse through the country, we’ll experience the unparalleled freshness of Nepalese tea. Straight from the lush gardens, this tea’s journey from leaf to cup is short, preserving its exquisite flavours and aromas. This freshness, combined with traditional brewing methods, ensures that every sip is a revelation.

Beyond tea, Nepal’s diverse landscapes, from the vibrant streets of Kathmandu to the serene tea gardens in the mountains, enrich our understanding of our tea. It’s here, in these varying backdrops, that the true essence of Nepalese brews is revealed.


The Unique World of Yak Milk Tea

In the heart of the Himalayas, amidst Nepal’s vibrant tea culture, lies a peculiar yet fascinating beverage – Yak Milk Tea. This traditional drink, integral to the Himalayan lifestyle, might come as a surprise to many, especially those accustomed to conventional tea varieties.

Yak milk tea, locally known as “Butter Tea,” is a blend that goes beyond the usual tea leaves and water. It’s made with strong, brewed tea, often a robust black variety, mixed with yak milk and a generous dollop of yak butter. The addition of salt, rather than the usual sugar, gives it a distinctive taste profile. This combination results in a creamy, rich, and savoury beverage, which can be quite an acquired taste for newcomers.

The initial reaction to yak milk tea can vary greatly among individuals. For some, it’s love at first sip, as they embrace its unique flavour and texture, finding comfort in its hearty warmth. For others, the unconventional salty and buttery taste can be a surprising contrast to the sweet and milky teas they’re familiar with, leading to less enthusiastic responses.

Despite its divisive nature, yak milk tea is more than just a drink; it’s a symbol of sustenance and survival in the harsh Himalayan environment. Yaks, being native to these high altitudes, are an essential part of life here. Their milk, rich in fat and calories, provides vital nourishment and energy, especially during the cold winters. When mixed with tea, it becomes a source of sustained warmth and hydration throughout the day.

Understanding yak milk tea requires an appreciation of its context. It’s a beverage born out of necessity, adapted to the local environment and resources. For the people of the Himalayas, it’s a staple, a comforting reminder of home and heritage.

As we explore the world of Handcrafted Tea Blends, it’s fascinating to encounter such unique traditions as yak milk tea. It reminds us that tea is not just a beverage but a window into different cultures and ways of life. Whether it becomes your new favourite or remains an interesting try, yak milk tea is undoubtedly a testament to the diverse and rich tapestry of tea culture around the world.


A Journey of Discovery with Portsmouth Tea

From the stunning flight into Kathmandu Tribhuvan International Airport to the warm sips of traditional yak milk tea, each moment has been a step deeper into the heart of tea cultivation. The fresh, aromatic Nepalese teas, handpicked and lovingly crafted, have not just been a delight for the senses but a revelation of the dedication behind every leaf.

It’s going to be a journey of connection – with the land, the people, and the centuries-old traditions that shape the world of tea. We’ll witness the intricate process of tea making, from the delicate plucking of leaves to the artful crafting of flavours. These experiences will deepen our appreciation for the tea we bring to your cup, each blend carrying with it a story of its own.

We invite you to be a part of this ongoing journey. As we continue to explore, discover, and bring back the world’s finest handcrafted tea blends, stay connected with us. Follow our adventures, share in our discoveries, and become a part of the Portsmouth Tea family.

If you’re as passionate about tea as we are, don’t miss the opportunity to experience these unique blends. Follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter for updates on our  Nepalese adventure and more.

Join us at Portsmouth Tea in celebrating the art, culture, and taste of teas from around the world. Together, let’s savour the journey, one cup at a time.

Better yet, if you’re interested in finding out more about the Tea Tour click here!

Further Reading:

Exploring Interesting and Rare Tea Blends: Yak Milk to Red Robe

Exploring the World Tea Expo Trade Show: A Must-Visit for Enthusiasts